The Importance of Physical Fitness for Teens

Physical fitness is very important for people all ages, and all the more so for those in their teens. When you define fitness, you are referring to the performance of muscles ,lungs and heart of a person which needs to be at a peak for the very fit person.

Why Teens Need to be Physically Fit

Teens are normally into scholastic and other activities that do not require much of physical activity. This leaves them little time to exercise their bodies. It is said that only two percent of teens actually can pass fitness tests. This does lead to risks of heart disease, obesity and other physical problems.

All this can lead to health problems that can lead to illnesses and diseases that can take them away from their scholastic goals and thus affect their futures and careers in the long run. Physically fit teenagers will have bodies that are flexible, have adequate muscle strength, the proper body composition and have the right endurance when indulging in activities that need physical activity that call for good circulation and respiratory functions.

Teens do tend to gravitate towards fast food and other convenient meals. Most of these have effects on the human body, due to the higher salt content, abundance of refined carbohydrates, oils and the like. This does affect health, cause obesity and weight problems. Asking teens to desist from eating such food is easily said, but very difficult from getting them to take action. This is quite often a result of peer pressure. Physical activity can help to reduce the ill effects of such diets.

Activities Recommended for the Physically Fit Teen

Physical activity has to be such that it increases the heart rate and require the teen to breathe harder. A lot of sports do this automatically, whether it be soccer, football, basketball or other. Unfortunately, most schools limit the number of teens who are inducted into such games, leaving the others to be spectators or cheer leaders.

So what can the average teen do? Performing aerobic activities for at least half and hour a day can help to improve the level of fitness, that then leads to good health. This can be something as simple as jumping rope, running or walking. Teens need to be constantly motivated and this is where they will feel inclined to exercise if they go for aerobic classes along with other students. Roller skating is a good exercise, as is swimming and dancing. Form your own groups so that you always have the incentive to do the exercises that can ensure your fitness. Walking to school in groups can be a lot of fun, instead of taking the bus and can definitely give the necessary exercise, weighed down as you are with backpacks and the like.

Paying attention to fitness, regular exercise and correct eating, can help teens to form a lifestyle that can be of enormous help to them as they grow up and launch themselves into their careers.