Category Archives: Eating Fit

Eating Right to Maintain a Healthy Fitness

Eating properly is essential to maintain a healthy fitness level whether involved in an exercise program or not. Proper eating helps to achieve personal goals, and can be used as a significant weight loss program. However, each person is different, and will require a different dietary program when training, participating in sports, or involved in a marathon. However, by following general guidelines, any individual can help improve their fitness level and stay healthier. Eating Right Any type of fitness program requires that the individual stay hydrated. Because […]

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The Best Way to Eat Right is to Eat Often

The best way to eat right is to eat often. Let me explain. Whenever you eat food, your body converts the carbohydrates into glucose, or blood sugar. It is your blood sugar level that can make you feel hungry — and also feel either energetic or sluggish. It is what causes your body to either burn fat or to store it up. Your body’s pancreas produces insulin that is a vehicle to carry glucose to all the different parts of your body. When you eat refined sugars […]

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Stay Fit by Eating Small Healthy Meals Frequently

Eating small frequent meals is the best way to nourish our bodies and stay healthy. Let me tell you why that is so. When we eat, our body takes the carbohydrates in our food and converts them into blood sugar called glucose. The level of glucose in our blood is what makes us feel full or hungry, energetic or tired. It is also determines when our body stores fat or burns it as energy. The pancreas is an organ designed to create insulin which transports blood sugar […]

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Eating To Help Maximize Your Fitness Goals

Fitness and nutrition go hand-in-hand. You really cannot have one without the other. What and when you eat can have a big effect on how you are feeling when you exercise. This can be whether it is a serious competition or just a casual work out. The intensity and duration of whatever activity you choose dictates what you should drink and eat, and how often. Paying attention to the snacks and meals that you consume will provide you with a great benefit during your fitness workouts. Eating […]

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